The 5 Things I Love The Most About Christmas Markets

Busy Lizzie @

There’s lots to love about Christmas time, the guilt free go ahead to scoff choccies and other calorie filled goodies (I’ll deal with the consequences in the new year), the gathering of all the family to exchange gifts and have lots of fun and of course the cheesy Christmas songs (the cheesier the better). But one of my favourite things to do over the Christmas period is my annual trip to one (or maybe three) of the many wonderful Christmas markets across the country.

I absolutely love wrapping up in my winter coat, hat, scarf and gloves, before setting out to one of our wonderful towns or cities to experience what they have on offer each year. The combination of the traditional setting, the cold weather and festive goodies never fails to make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside - it’s a fantastic day out with friends. 

So, with Christmas market season upon us, I thought I’d share with you my five favourite things about these merry markets, before planning my next trip to one this weekend.

1. Ho Ho Hot Drinks

I’m sure by now, you’re aware that I love a nice glass (or bottle) of wine every now and then, so you’ve probably guessed my first entry in this list. Well, where else can you shop whilst drinking wine? Mulled wine is one of my favourite festive treats and it has the added benefit of warming me up too! 

The spicy and sweet combination is like Christmas in a mug and it’s a Christmas market staple for me for sure. I am partial to a hot chocolate too, especially when it’s topped with cream and a scoopful of marshmallows. But if I had to choose between the two, the mulled wine wins out everytime. Oh I’m getting excited for this weekend already!

Woman drinking hot drink at Christmas market

2. Fabulous Festive Food

Now what’s the best accompaniment to a nice glass (or mug) of wine? Well festive food of course and Christmas markets always have allsorts on offer. From German sausages with a big dollop of mustard and crusty bread dipped in gooey camembert through to cute gingerbread biscuits and my festive favourite, hot roasted chestnuts. They smell and taste so good! They keep my hands warm too (I’m sensing a theme here). 

The Christmas market is also a great opportunity to try something new, with each and every town and city putting their own unique spin on things. Whether you opt for a doughy pretzel, cheesy raclette or a fluffy waffle (for those with a sweet tooth), I urge you to branch out at the market this year, who knows, you may find yourself a new favourite!

Christmas Market Food Stall

3. Lovely Lights

I absolutely love how when the Christmas market comes to town, the whole place transforms into a magical winter wonderland. The lights draped across overhead, providing a warm glow to the cobbled streets below and the imposing sight of an utterly ginormous Christmas tree covered in bright lights, never fails to transport me to another place entirely. I almost feel like I’m at the North Pole and about to meet Santa (don’t worry, I’ve been a good girl this year). I feel sorry for whoever has to take down the tree come January though! 

Busy lizzie with reindeer lights

4. Cute Crafts

Christmas markets are a treasure trove of handcrafted goodies, from cute wooden ornaments, to delicate hand blown glass creations, they’re the perfect place to have a rummage around for a unique Christmas gift for friends and family. Even better, you’ll be supporting local businesses too, which is great!

One of my yearly traditions is to always pick up a Christmas tree decoration at every market I visit. I’ve managed to pick up all sorts of wonderful creations through the years (much to Ady’s annoyance) and they all really give a unique character to my Christmas tree. They’re a great conversation starter too and we always reminisce about the various market trips we’ve taken over the years when we’re decorating the tree.

Christmas decorations

5. Ice Skating

Now I’m not talking about performing a triple axel like Margot Robbie in I, Tonya, I’m thinking more along the lines of this cute scene in one of my favourite Christmas movies, Serendipity. There’s just something so magical about ice skating at Christmas time with friends and family, surrounded by glistening lights and a winter chill in the air. Just be sure to take it steady and not fall onto your bottom like I manage to nearly every year, much to the amusement of everyone around me. I still love it though and keep coming back for more every year. 

Two people overlooking ice skating rink

6. (Cheeky I know) Warm Snuggles Afterwards

As much as I love the Christmas markets, that feeling when you get home after being out in the cold and on your feet all day is heavenly. I’ll immediately run a hot bath, get into my jammies and snuggle up under my comfy woven throw. I may even throw a few logs on the fire, make myself a brew and treat myself to a mince pie (or two). Now I definitely can’t wait for my first trip to the markets this weekend!

Busy lizzie with friend at Christmas market

I’ve got to dash now and prepare for our trip to the Great Yorkshire Christmas Fair this weekend, which I absolutely can’t wait for (can you tell?). You can buy tickets for the fair right here and come see us at the Hug At Home stand - who knows, you may even bump into me, mug of mulled wine in hand.

Busy Lizzie x